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NYALA: Part Three (excerpt)
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PRESS RELEASE FROM T:ME RECORDING / EM:T 1196 - CARL STONE: NYALA t:me recording investigates the extremes of aural microscopy with the latest addition to the emit collectors' series: a crafted and outlandish album to upturn idle notions of 'techno' as merely a thin and linear offshoot of the dance floor 4/4... artist: carl stone title: 'carl stone' catalogue: emit 1196 released: monday 20th may 1996 californian composer carl stone has been described by the los angeles times as 'an original... inexhaustibly imaginative' and is able to count steve reich as one of his admirers. his numerous commissions, recordings and live performances reveal a truly unique and vivid sound: gloriously crafted and oddly emotive, stone's strange extruded loops slowly unravel and reshape themselves, teasing the careful listener with microscopic clues of what is to come. both hypnotic and startling, stone uses customized sampling technology to zoom deep into fragments of found sound, revealing endless hidden pattern and detail usually invisible to the ear, as though suddenly reading newsprint through an electron microscope. if so many 'techno' producers confine themselves to trite suggestions of b-movie science fiction or ersatz industrial soundtracks, carl stone takes digital timestretching to new and more daring extremes, simultaneously rendering the very same technology invisible. written and produced by carl stone. 'nyala' was commissioned by the arts promotion service of the aichi arts center in japan and originally composed as music for an untitled three-way collaboration between stone, dancer/choreographer kuniko kisanuki and sculptor satoru shoji. the work was premiered in september 1995 at the aichi-ken arts center as a solo dance by miss kisanuki, and lasted forty minutes. for this cd, carl stone has extended the original works last section and added one more, dancer's stamina no longer being an issue. many thanks to nobuhisa shimoda, kuniko kisanuki, satoru shoji, akiko fujii, emi karatsu, nobuko mori, koji mii, shigenori noda, tom welsh at new albion records, david thompson and chris allen at t:me recording, yoko otomi, naut humon and the staffs of xebec and the aichi arts center. all music © 1996 carl stone / electro-acoustic music (ascap). emit is a division of t:me recording ltd. further information? t: 0115 985 9595 f: 0115 941 2277 e: e2: distribution? u.k. pinnacle / u.s.a silent, soleilmoon, etherworld / germany rough trade / benelux p.i.a.s / france media 7 / ital;y evolution / australia shock / scandanavia border music / spain sonifolk / portugal symbiose / switzerland sound service. "loops-u-like"
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