Carl Stone: Unthaitled


year of composition: 1979
for tape

Realized in the production studios of KPFK-fm in Los Angeles. Actually an expanded version of Sukothai (1979)

Performance History
??/??/79       Storie-Crawford Theater                   Santa Monica   USA
??/??/79       Real Art Ways                             Hartford CT    USA
??/??/79       Experimental Intermedia Foundation        New York       USA
05/30/80       Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art Los Angeles    USA
05/01/82       California Institute of the Arts          Valencia       USA
06/01/82       G.M.E.B.                                  Bourges        FRANCE
10/05/83       Royal Conservatory Antwerp                Antwerp        BELGIUM
05/16/85       Newport Harbor Art Museum                 Newport Beach  USA

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