Carl Stone:Ho Ban

Ho Ban

year of composition: 1984
for piano & electronics (alternate version for piano solo

CS's first work combining electronics and acoustic instruments. Composed at the request of Aki Takahashi, with support from the Yokohama Arts and Culture Center.

Performance History
01/18/84       Yokohama Arts and Culture Center          Yokohama       JAPAN
01/23/84       Studio 200-Seibu                          Tokyo          JAPAN
02/28/84       NHK Radio                                 Japan          JAPAN
03/09/85       California Institute of the Arts          Valencia       USA
10/13/86       KUSC-fm                                   Los Angeles    USA
04/17/90       Museum of Contemporary Art                Los Angeles    USA
12/21/91       Yokohama Arts and Culture Center          Yokohama       JAPAN
05/12/95       Domingo Concerts                          Berkeley       USA
05/15/95       Annie's Hall                              Berkeley       USA

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